Read about newsworthy items on issues affecting public broadcasting, including press releases, news articles, videos, speeches, local stations stories and more.
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WLJT Focuses on Education with Countdown To Kindergarten
Some children and their parents come to kindergarten without any idea of what is expected. WLJT, public broadcaster for Tennessee, is tackling that problem with a step-by-step kindergarten "how-to" in the event called Countdown To Kindergarten. -
Southern Remedy: Mississippi Public Broadcasting's Flagship Wellness Show
Mississippi Public Broadcasting, based in Jackson, Mississippi, has an exciting community outreach project called Southern Remedy. The local program is Mississippi Public Broadcasting's flagship wellness show dedicated to keeping Mississippians healthy. -
Ozarks Public Television Celebrates Diversity with Small World - Big Picture
Ozarks Public Television, public television for Springfield, Missouri, has recently launched a new initiative called Small World ▪ Big Picture. It's a multi-faceted, multi-platform initiative focusing on the diversity of community and encouraging viewers to look closely at global issues and their connection to the local community. -
New Western Reserve Public Media Program Shows Teens How to Launch a Business
Teens can discover how to launch a successful micro business in the new Western Reserve Public Media production Micro Business for Teens: Starting a Micro Business. Carol Topp, a Cincinnati-based certified public accountant, hosts the 90-minute program, which is based on her "Micro Business for Teens" book series. -
Make Your Own Documentary with WHYY's Hamilton Commons
WHYY's Dorrance H. Hamilton Public Media Commons puts the power of media in the hands of anyone with a story to tell and helps Greater Philadelphians become discerning media consumers. Hamilton Commons offers training programs for students, educators and adults of all ages, providing hands-on instruction on how to produce documentaries, slideshows and more. -
APTS Statement on Elimination of Federal Funding for Public Broadcasting
Governor Romney's call for the elimination of federal funding for public broadcasting during last night's debate has generated an extraordinary – and overwhelmingly negative – public response. -
Academic Quizzing with PBS39's Scholastic Scrimmage
For over 36 years, PBS39, public television for eastern Pennsylvania and western New Jersey, has been producing Scholastic Scrimmage, the area's most popular high school television show where students are quizzed about all academic disciplines. -
Sistema TV Provides Puerto Rico with Local Educational Programs
Sistema TV, public television for Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, is the only PBS affiliate in the market. In collaboration with the Ana G. Méndez University System, Sistema TV produces local educational programs about arts and culture, university sports, health and the environment. It also produces and airs over 10 hours of weekly public affairs programming. -
Wyoming PBS Honors Outstanding Child Care Providers
Since 2008, Wyoming PBS has been honoring outstanding home childcare providers from around the state for their hard work and dedication to early childcare and learning. -
WTJX Focuses on Obesity with the Eat Right, Exercise for Life Campaign
WTJX, based in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, has launched an Eat Right, Exercise for Life! Obesity Campaign to encourage all Virgin Islanders to incorporate healthy eating with daily exercise into their everyday routines. -
Detroit Public Television's Great Lakes Now, a Groundbreaking Multi-Platform Citizenship Initiative
Detroit Public Television's groundbreaking initiative Great Lakes Now, provides unprecedented access to the largest gathering of scientists, political voices, educators, environmentalists, and interested groups ever assembled to discuss the future of the Great Lakes, the United States' largest source of fresh water. -
Colorado Public Television Holds the Future in Their Hands
Join CPT12 on the 12th of each month, as they select a well-deserved program to play, shining a special monthly spotlight on 12 ways to give back. -
WJCT Works To Improve The Quality Of Life Through Educational Initiatives
WJCT has been a community tradition for more than 50 years providing in-depth, engaging and educational content to 1.5 million audience members in Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia. -
witf Connects the Stories and Lives of People Touched by Cancer
witf Public Media in Harrisburg, PA Facing Cancer Together, an interactive, multimedia effort to connect the stories and lives of people touched by cancer -
APTS Statement on Federal Funding for Public Broadcasting
APTS is deeply disappointed to see that the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor-Health & Human Services-Education has proposed deep rescissions in federal funding for public broadcasting in the next two years and complete defunding in fiscal 2015.