Grant Center

  • Grant Center

    High School Graduation Initiative


    The High School Graduation Initiative awards grants to state and local educational agencies to implement effective, sustainable and coordinated dropout prevention and reentry programs in schools.

  • Grant Center

    Gulf Coast Recovery Grant Initiative


    The purpose of this Department of Education initiative is to assist local educational agencies in improving education in areas affected by Hurricanes Katrina, Ike or Gustav.

  • Grant Center

    Foreign Language Assistance Program - State Educational Agencies


    This Department of Education program provides grants to state educational agencies for innovative model programs that provide for the establishment, improvement or expansion of foreign language study.

  • Grant Center

    Foreign Language Assistance Program - Local Educational Agencies with Institutions of Higher Education


    Applicants to this Department of Education program must propose projects that establish, improve or expand foreign language learning in K-12 education.

  • Grant Center

    Emergency Management for Higher Education Grant Program


    This Department of Education program intends to increase the capacity of institutions of higher education to prevent, mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recover from emergency events.

  • Grant Center

    Building State Capacity for Preventing Youth Substance Use and Violence


    The purpose of this Department of Education program is to build capacity, support collaboration between State Educational Agencies and other state agencies, and prevent youth substance use and violenc

  • Grant Center

    Environmental Literacy


    Through this program, NOAA provides funding to improve public understanding and stewardship of the local and global environment.

  • Grant Center

    Broadband Technology Opportunities Program


    Established by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, this program is designed to extend, improve and expand broadband access.

  • Grant Center

    Community Outreach and Assistance Partnership Program


    The purpose of this USDA program is to train, inform and assist disadvantaged agricultural producers in the ares of farm management, financial management, marketing contracts and crop insurance.

  • Grant Center

    My Source Impact and Communication Grants


    CPB created this program to leverage the capacity of public broadcasting stations to communicate their impact on a local, regional and statewide level to key decision makers and community leaders.

  • Grant Center

    Digital Distribution Fund - Round 15


    The purpose of this CPB grant, the Digital Distribution Fund, is to support public television stations' ability to deliver digital content, provide multicasting and expand services.

  • Grant Center

    Learn and Serve America Higher Education FY2010


    Through this program, the Corporation for National and Community Service funds service-learning programs at institutions of higher education.

  • Grant Center

    The Arts on Radio and Television


    Grants from this NEA program are available to support the development, production and national distribution of radio and television programs on the arts.

  • Grant Center

    Predominantly Black Institutions Formula Grant Program


    Through this program, the Department of Education makes grant awards to predominantly black institutions of higher education to enhance their capacity to serve more low- and middle-income students.

  • Grant Center

    Environmental Literacy Grants Program


    Applicants to this NOAA program can receive funding for projects that improve environmental literacy in the public and in K-12 education. Deadline varies by priority in this year's competition.
