American Graduate: Jobs Explained 2.0
With CPB funding, WNET opens the second round of American Jobs Explained. Ten television stations will be chosen to join this innovative program connecting young people to new career pathways through social media videos. Stations receive support in media production and fundraising, along with a $90,000 grant. Deadline: February 21, 2025. -
Elections and Civics: Station Engagement Grants
These PBS station engagement grants will award $10,000 - $20,000 for work that fosters community-level connections ad amplifies the stories of localized efforts related to elections and civics. Applicants may apply in one of three categories: content creation, community engagement and education. This grant is now closed. -
RTL 2020-25 State Project (Cohort B)
Public television stations active in early childhood education can apply to be in this second cohort of CPB-funded Ready To Learn State Projects. In this 18-month project, stations will collaborate with state-level partners to extend the impact of RTL work. stations from all states except Texas, Florida, New York, California, Wisconsin and Maryland are eligible to apply. This grant is now closed. The deadline was November 17, 2023. -
Yield Giving Open Call
MacKenzie Scott's Yield Giving Open Call will award $1 million in unrestricted funds to 250 community-led, community-focused nonprofits with budgets between $1 million and $5 million. Priorities include improving the lives of people experiencing the greatest need through pathways such as education, job training and civic engagement. The competition is now closed. Applications were due June 12, 2023. -
Original STEM Series for PBS Terra
PBS Digital Studios, in partnership with the National Science Foundation, seeks new STEM series for the PBS Terra YouTube channel. Up to $160,000 is available for PBS station applicants. This grant closed on January 13, 2023. -
American Graduate: Jobs Explained
The WNET Group is offered up to 10 station grants of $110,000 for Jobs Explained, the new iteration of CPB's American Graduate initiative, re-conceived as a virtual career fair full of digital content. The competition is now closed. The deadline was December 7, 2022. -
RTL Learning Neighborhood Planning Projects
Ready To Learn offers television stations with experience in early childhood education an opportunity to compete for a training grant as Phase I of the RTL Learning Neighborhoods project. Successful grantees that complete the training will be invited to compete for more substantive project grants in Phase II. This funding opportunity closed on June 30, 2022. -
Next Gen Public Media Accelerator
This funding opportunity closed on December 20, 2021 -
Ready To Learn Podcast Accelerator
CPB, PBS and PRX will select 5 station teams for a training program and stipend to produce a Ready To Learn podcast. One station's podcast will be chosen through this process to produce the Ready To Learn podcast aimed at kids 4-8 and their families. This funding opportunity closed on March 19, 2021. -
Dollar General Adult, Family and Summer Literacy Grants
The Dollar General Foundation will provide grants of up to $10,000 to nonprofits located within 15 miles of a Dollar General store for direct services to adults with literacy needs. Deadline: February 6, 2025. -
Project AWARE (Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education) State Education Agency Grants
This SAMHSA program will award grants of up to $1.8 million to State Education Agencies to increase awareness of mental health issues among school-aged youth. Stations could play a partner role. Deadline was December 24, 2018. -
Education Innovation Planning Grants
This new funding opportunity from CPB, announced at the 2018 NETA Conference, will support innovative educational programs and initiatives. Deadline was April 11, 2018. -
Grants for Arts Projects
The NEA Grants for Arts Projects program supports creation, engagement, learning and livability in communities through grants ranging from $10,000 to $100,000. (1-1 match required). The 2024 competition has closed. There are two rounds of competition in 2025, with deadlines in February and July. -
American Graduate Phase Three Station Grants
Phase Three of American Graduate will support community engagement, content creation and partnerships that help young adults, returning vets and adults in career transition. Deadline has passed. -
Reentry Projects
This Department of Labor grant funds programs that help adults and young adults involved in the justice system access education and employment opportunities. Deadline was April 25, 2019.