2025 Champion of Public Broadcasting Awards
The Champion of Public Broadcasting Award is the organization’s highest honor, given annually to champions in Congress and state government for their extraordinary support of public television.
Congressman Mike Simpson (R-ID)
America’s Public Television Stations (APTS) presented the 2025 Champion of Public Broadcasting Award to Congressman Mike Simpson (R-ID).
Congressman Mike Simpson’s longstanding support has been invaluable to advancing the public service mission of local public television stations, particularly those serving rural areas.
“Congressman Simpson has been an unwavering supporter of the essential value of local public broadcasting stations and the important role stations like Idaho Public Television play in communities throughout the nation, especially in serving rural communities,” said APTS president and CEO Kate Riley. “He has always been an effective champion of public broadcasting, and we are proud to have earned his enduring support.
“We are extremely grateful for Congressman Simpson’s ongoing, strong commitment to ensuring all Americans have access to the essential local services provided by public television stations, from emergency alerts and warnings, to high-quality, educational resources and local programming and events that foster community connections. We are honored to present Congressman Mike Simpson with the 2025 Champion of Public Broadcasting Award he so richly deserves.”
Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-MI)
America’s Public Television Stations (APTS) presented the 2025 Champion of Public Broadcasting Award to Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-MI).
Congresswoman Debbie Dingell has shown unwavering leadership as a champion of public television for her entire Congressional career and beyond, recognizing the valuable services public broadcasting provides to the people of Michigan and throughout our nation.
“Congresswoman Dingell has been a stalwart and effective supporter of public media,” said Kate Riley, President and CEO of America’s Public Television Stations. “Time and again, Congresswoman Dingell has shown steadfast leadership on our issues by consistently supporting our annual funding requests, helping stations address pressing infrastructure needs, supporting the efforts of stations like Detroit PBS to meet the challenges of the COVID pandemic and provide the highest quality resources to their communities when they were needed most.
“We greatly appreciate Congresswoman Dingell’s keen understanding of the unique role of local public television stations in the media marketplace and our extraordinary public services from education as demonstrated by the Michigan Learning Channel, to our role in public safety through the PBS WARN system and all that our local stations do to connect communities to each other and highlight the stories, history and culture that are uniquely theirs.
“America’s Public Television Stations are profoundly grateful for Congresswoman Dingell’s leadership and support, and it is my honor to present her with the well-deserved 2025 Champion of Public Broadcasting Award.”
2025 David J. Brugger Community Leader Award
The Brugger Award, named for APTS’s long-time former President and CEO, David Brugger, is presented annually to a community leader who has supported the work of public television through their dedicated leadership and service.
Garrett King, Board President, Friends of OETA, Inc.
America’s Public Television Stations (APTS) presented the 2025 David J. Brugger Community Leader Award to Garrett King, representing Oklahoma Educational Television Authority (OETA).
Garrett King has been a tireless advocate for public broadcasting, both on the national and state levels. King served on the OETA Board of Directors and is currently Board President of The Friends of OETA, an independent charitable and advocacy group. Additionally, King is a member of the APTS Board of Trustees and serves as Chair of the APTS Board Legislative Policy and Advocacy Committee.
“Garrett King is an extraordinarily effective advocate for public broadcasting, and he has a long and distinguished history as a leader and supporter of the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority,” said Kate Riley, President and CEO of America’s Public Television Stations. “Garrett’s expertise, creative thinking and exemplary ability to get the job done have been instrumental to public broadcasting’s success protecting and growing federal funding and to OETA’s continued state funding.
“When OETA state funding was under threat two years ago, Garrett was an eloquent and relentless champion for public television with the Oklahoma legislature. His steadfast advocacy and longstanding relationships with state lawmakers were essential in maintaining state funding for the station. Additionally, Garrett’s commitment to engaging with his congressional delegation has been unwavering, helping to enhance congressional understanding of the impact OETA has on the lives of Oklahomans and resulting in strong support for public television from the Oklahoma congressional delegation.
“We are immensely grateful for Garrett’s generous investment of time and energy on behalf of public broadcasting, and we are honored to present the 2025 David J. Brugger Community Leader Award to Garrett King.”
2025 Pillar of Public Service Award
Larry D. Unger, President and CEO of Maryland Public Television
America’s Public Television Stations (APTS) presented the 2025 Pillar of Public Service Award to Larry D. Unger, President and CEO of Maryland Public Television (MPT), for his remarkable work in education, public safety and community connections, in service to the people of Maryland.
The Pillar of Public Service Award recognizes the contribution of an extraordinary leader and innovator in one or more of public television’s three essential public service missions: education, public safety, and community connections.
“Larry’s exceptional work at Maryland Public Television has raised the bar of service and innovation many times during his 28-year tenure,” said Kate Riley, President and CEO of America’s Public Television Stations. “Larry and his talented team at Maryland Public Television have dramatically demonstrated the power of public television to deliver a broad range of essential local public services across the state of Maryland.”
“Larry’s commitment to public service has been unwavering and essential to the success of the statewide network’s exceptional education services including Thinkport and the new Maryland Center for Media Literacy & Education; the innovative creation of the Maryland State Ad Agency; the critical public safety role MPT plays in the state; and the enhancement of community connections through engaging events and landmark local programs that bring pride to all Marylanders such as State Circle, Maryland Farm & Harvest, Outdoors Maryland, Chesapeake Bay Week and Chesapeake Collectibles.”
“We are all inspired by Larry’s dedication and passion for our public service missions and are immensely grateful for his decades of commitment to Maryland Public Television and our system. It is my great honor to present Larry D. Unger with the most well-deserved 2025 Pillar of Public Service Award.”
2025 Patrick Butler National Advocacy Award
Becky Magura, President and CEO of Nashville PBS
America’s Public Television Stations (APTS) presented the inaugural 2025 Patrick Butler National Advocacy Award to Becky Magura, President and CEO of Nashville PBS, for her work raising the profile of the impact of local stations in communities large and small throughout the nation and in cultivating relationships and support for public broadcasting within the Tennessee congressional delegation and state legislature.
The APTS Patrick Butler National Advocacy Award, named for APTS’s longest-serving former President and CEO, is presented to station leaders who excel in telling the story of their local station’s work in education, public safety and community connections, and how federal and state funding make that work possible.
“Becky Magura is a tireless advocate for public broadcasting, helping to strengthen our ever-growing bipartisan support both in Congress and throughout the state of Tennessee,” said Kate Riley, President and CEO of America’s Public Television Stations. “Becky has been an extraordinarily effective champion of our cause, working tirelessly to shine a light on the vital role local public television stations play in the fabric of their communities in rural areas, in urban areas and everything in between. Becky effectively showcases our public service missions of education, public safety and community connections, and how the federal investment in this work is essential.
“At every turn, Becky steps up to skillfully communicate with lawmakers, inspires her peers at other local public media stations to become more involved in advocacy, and engages with Protect My Public Media, public media’s grassroots advocacy campaign. We are extremely grateful for Becky’s passion and dedication, and we are honored to present her with this most well-deserved 2025 Patrick Butler National Advocacy Award.”