KQED, public media serving Northern California, offers a free learning platform for students and teachers. KQED Learn is an online service that helps teachers integrate inquiry, collaboration and media-making into instruction. It guides students along a pathway for discovery by prompting them to ask questions, investigate issues, gather information and share media responses.
KQED Learn helps students build essential skills in research, collaboration, data analysis and communication. The service inspires students to utilize technology in a safe manner to research, reflect and respond to contemporary topics. This inquiry provokes new questions and continues the cycle of inquiry that teacher’s value and helps students learn.
In using KQED Learn, students explore and discuss current issues which is supported by KQED’s media resources. Furthermore, KQED Learn connects media literacy, media-making and inquiry so students can form, express and support their ideas with research.
KQED Learn was developed by educators while leveraging the technology resources of KQED. The platform is flexible in design so teacher have the ability to tailor their curriculum to students.
As part of KQED Learn platform, a web series called Above the Noise, which takes a deep dive into issues affecting the daily lives of students. The episodes highlight complex subject matters with facts and research to help viewers create informed conclusions. Above the Noise focuses on data and science, but also has episodes about English and social studies.
Watch an episode here: