Workforce Development

  • Workforce Development

    Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program


    The Department of Veterans Affairs awards a total of $93 million in funds to support organizations providing supportive services to low-income veteran families. Deadline was Dec 5, 2014.

  • Workforce Development

    Teacher Incentive Fund


    This Department of Education program supports projects that develop and implement performance-based teacher and principal compensation systems in high-need schools.

  • Workforce Development

    Block (Herb Block Foundation)


    Grants available to encourage citizen/voter participation. Grants also available in Washington, D.C. area for youth education.

  • Workforce Development



    Youthprise funds Minnesota projects that promote innovative learning opportunities beyond the classroom.

  • Workforce Development

    Climate Change Education Partnership Program, Phase II


    NSF grants $10 million across 5 to 7 awards for educational programs that promote a deeper understanding of the impacts of climate change, while improving workforce development in the field.

  • Workforce Development

    Lincoln Financial Foundation


    This is a potential fit with public media in the areas of arts education, creation of learning objects, youth and adult literacy, and workforce development.

  • Workforce Development

    College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)


    The Dept of Ed offers as much as $425,000 for projects that provide academic and financial support for the continued education of farm workers and their children. Deadline was January 28, 2020.

  • Workforce Development

    High School Equivalency Program (HEP)


    Applicants to this program can receive funding to help migrant and seasonal farm workers obtain a GED, find jobs and gain entry to post-secondary education or training. Deadline was January 28, 2020.

  • Workforce Development

    Microsoft Corporation Contributions Program


    The funder supports education and workforce development. It also makes software donations and supports community technology training initiatives.

  • Workforce Development

    H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants


    This Department of Labor program funds education and job training programs in the occupations and industries for which employers are using H-1B visas to hire foreign workers.

  • Workforce Development

    Alcohol Education Project Grants


    Through this program, the National Institutes of Health provide funding for the dissemination of new alcohol research information to health professionals.

  • Workforce Development

    Healthy Homes Production Program


    The purpose of this HUD program is to identify and correct significant housing-related health and safety hazards in low-income housing.

  • Workforce Development

    Career Pathways Innovation Fund


    This Department of Labor program supports career pathway programs implemented by community colleges in partnership with other organizations in the community.

  • Workforce Development

    Green Jobs Innovation Fund


    Awards from this Department of Labor program will fund technical and basic skills training programs that lead participants to green job opportunities.

  • Workforce Development

    U.S. Bank Foundation


    Supports nonprofits designed to serve local community needs in the areas of work, play and home.
