Dax Schieffer
Lay Trustee, MontanaPBS, Bozeman, Montana

Dax Schieffer served as Chair of the Friends of MontanaPBS Board of Directors with a career in media relations, public affairs and human resources. Schieffer is the principal of Big Sky Solutions & Strategies, serving Statewide clients in consulting on nonprofit management, economic development and education.
Schieffer grew up in eastern Montana, 50 miles from the smallest television market in the country. Fortunately, his home was within the umbrella of MontanaPBS, providing quality, educational programming. In 1997, Schieffer received a Bachelor's Degree from Montana State University in Bozeman and entered the private sector, joining Big Sky Resort, a subsidiary of Boyne Resorts.
Over 18 years, Schieffer served in a number of leadership positions in marketing and public relations at Big Sky Resort. For six years, Schieffer was on the Executive Team as the Director of Human Resources. He maintained volunteer and fundraising positions for the regional United Way, Big Brothers Big Sisters and was a founding member of the Big Sky Rotary Club.
In 2010, Schieffer was awarded the Montana Governor's Ready Award from the Governor's Office of Community Involvement. For 10 years, Schieffer served on the Big Sky Fire Department as a firefighter and EMT, obtaining recognition as the firefighter of the year in 2010.
Today, Schieffer contracts as the Executive Director of the Montana Council for Economic Education, improving economic and financial literacy for Montana's youth. In addition, he is the Director of Voices of Montana Tourism, a nonprofit advocacy group providing education and outreach to improve Montana's visitor economy and main street businesses. Schieffer also provides rural development and resiliency contract consulting to Montana Department of Commerce sharing the passion to live and do business in Montana.
Schieffer resides in Helena, Montana, with his wife Chantel and son Dax who attends elementary school.