Darren LaShelle

President and CEO, Northern California Public Media

Darren LaShelle is the President and CEO for Northern California Public Media in the San Francisco Bay Area. Stations include KRCB TV (Sonoma CA), KRCB FM (Sonoma CA) and KPJK (San Mateo CA). LaShelle has led a concentrated media focus on environmental reporting and documentary storytelling at NorCal Public Media, as well as community engagement efforts. He has been working in public media since 1995. Previous to his career in public media, he worked as a producer for NBC and FOX. He is a graduate of Marietta College.

LaShelle is an Emmy award-winning Executive Producer for the science and technology TV series Plugged-In. He has written and produced documentaries, live and recorded TV and radio series, and breaking news coverage, including a number of nationally-broadcast documentary programs on public television. He has served public media as a promotion professional, program director, production manager and content chief overseeing television, radio and digital projects.

LaShelle is Chair of the Independent Public Television Stations Association. He also serves on the Executive Committee of California Public Television, Public Television Affinity Group Council, NETA Community Engagement, NLGJA: The Association of LGBTQ Journalists and North Bay Leadership Council. Additionally, LaShelle is a board member of the Peace Studio.