Gold Level Sponsor Information

Welcome to the 2024 Public Media Summit! 

Please make sure to read through the following checklist and information and complete the tasks by the deadlines provided. Please send
any information required to Tela Hansom-Pitt at or Julia Horville at

More information provided below checklist

Deadline Item Send To
Upon Commitment Return signed Exhibitor/Sponsor Agreement Tela
Upon Invoice Remit Payment. Payment secures event. As instructed on invoice
Immediately Point of Contact information for the sponsored event Julia
Immediately Company logo (high-res, JPEG/JPG/PNG/GIF, 300 DPI min.) Julia
Immediately Image specs for web, app and print Julia
Immediately Provide URL for web link Julia
Immediately Description of your company for marketing purposes (500-word limit) Julia
Immediately Booth space assigned by APTS Tela
Immediately Indicate your booth type: “Tabletop” or “Free-Standing” Julia
January 12, 2024 Complete and return individual complimentary registration forms (and Booth-only registration forms), if applicable Julia
January 12, 2024 Send names for Event-only tickets   
January 20, 2024 Submit Testimonial remarks to be presented by APTS staff (no more than 3-minutes)  Tela


Company Description
The company description allows our sponsors to share important information with registrants and other sponsors about what their company does and the importance of its impact. This 500-word description is used in various marketing materials before, during and after the Summit. Let other people experience and understand the impact of your company towards public media.

Tabletop or Free-Standing Booth Type
Tabletop is a display that goes on top of the table and free-standing is a self-supporting display such as a pop-up.

Image Specs
All exhibitors must provide text for the passport booklet and text for a sponsor page in the Summit App no later than January 30, 2024. The text for the passport booklet and text for the sponsor page, can be the same. You may also provide four different images for your virtual booth. See example below. 

  • Images for Virtual Booth*
  • Virtual Booth Images: 
    • IMAGE 01: 600x300 pixels*
    • IMAGE 02: 600x300 pixels*
    • IMAGE 03: 600x300 pixels*
    • IMAGE 04: 400x600 pixels*

* High-res, JPEG/JPG/PNG/GIF, 300 DPI min., RGB Mode. No transparency, border or shadow.


The following is included with each Exhibit Booth space
Your exhibit – whether tabletop or stand-alone, including signage – must fit into this space (approximately 10’ wide).

  • 8’ tall drape
  • 6’ table (draped and skirted)
  • 2 chairs
  • 1 wastebasket
  • Electricity
  • Wireless internet
  • Signage (name and logo of exhibitor will be hung from back drape)