Protect My Public Media

Protect My Public Media

Protect My Public Media, co-managed by APTS Action, Inc. and the American Coalition for Public Radio, is a grassroots action network of Americans who value federal funding for local public media stations. Resources for current and prospective partner stations are available to assist in local engagement and growth efforts.

Protect My Public Media has proven to be a powerful tool to build congressional support for public media funding and overcome funding challenges. The grassroots network now comprises over 700,000 advocates, and plans to reach 1,000,000 advocates.

The campaign was created in partnership with local stations and its strength is dependent on active station participation. Stations can help strengthen Protect My Public Media by becoming a partner station, signing up for updates, sharing campaign initiatives with their networks and recruiting new advocates.

Stations with questions can contact Cait Beroza.

  • Become A Station Partner

    Register your station or organization to become an official campaign partner. As a partner, you’ll receive campaign updates and resources.

  • Partner Station Resources

    Access materials to encourage your networks to take action to protect essential public media funding.

  • Access Your List For State Advocacy

    In addition to federal funding, many stations also receive state funding to help fulfill their public service missions. Request your Protect My Public Media advocate list to support your state funding challenges.

  • Tools to Increase Your Advocate Base

    Having more advocates in your viewing area, helps us make a stronger case to your lawmakers for continued, robust funding. Start increasing your local number numbers today with our recruitment resources.

  • Station Advocacy Memos

    Ensure your station is in compliance with federal law and policy regarding advocacy for public media funding. Review our simplified guides.